

In the Information Systems and Transformation Management group, we supervise students who write their bachelor or master thesis. Here, we focus on the study programs offered by the department of information systems.

Topics of your thesis should be in line with the curent fields of research at the group.If you are interested in writing your thesis at our group, we recommend you first look at our current research for topic inspiration. You may, of course, propose your own ideas as long as they fit into our current research areas. Alternatively, one of our research assistants could help you find a suitable topic that is in line with his or her current research. You should therefore take a look at our research assistants’ fields of research as well. You are welcome to make an appointment with one of our research assistants to discuss possible topics, or you can directly submit a brief summary (topic and goal of your thesis, initial outline, and used literature).

We are also open to supervise bachelor and master theses conducted in collaboration with a partner from industry. However, they also need to fit our current research areas. In addition, their goals and topic needs to be of sufficient novelty, abstraction, and quality from a research perspective (please do not no submit proposals for mere descriptive “internship reports” as the topic of your thesis).

When writing your thesis, we will provide a continuous exchange and have an open ear for your problems to guide you through the process as good as possible. However, writing a thesis is ultimately your project. You should consider yourself as being the project manager of your thesis. That means you are responsible for asking advice and guidance.